“Pretending” meets #pitmad

The hunt for an agent takes diligence, discipline, and stamina…and then some. I’m on the prowl and pitching “Pretending to be Me” during a Twitter event called #PitMad tomorrow. If you see my tweets, please don’t “like” them. I’ll be having agita, awaiting likes from literary agents who will show their interest […]

#MeToo…Now What?

Yes, me too. That hashtag was metaphorically plastered across my body and mind before it existed. The number of public #MeToo testimonials doesn’t surprise me in the least. I’m confident there are still many #MeToo assaults kept secret from loved ones; I never told anyone until recently. Back in the […]

Diet vs. Dieting

I don’t diet. I don’t buy into marketed diets. Oh, I have. I just don’t anymore. If they work for you, have at it. But if my mindset about the word “diet” and its forms helps someone, great. I don’t like to discuss dieting, the verb form. It pushes too […]

My Mask of Invulnerability

In this time of online trolls, heightened opinions, and lack of tolerance and compromise, many people hide behind screens. Sometimes, it’s to say awful things to strangers. Sometimes, it’s for protection. Maybe both. But long before social media dominated our connection to others (if you can still call it connection,) I hid behind something else. My mask. My […]

The Dissed Addiction

Have you ever caught a person trying but failing to hide an eye roll? Or worse, when they mask most of their judgment but, deep down, they still want you to see a hint of their mocking eyes? It feels crappy, doesn’t it? That’s how I feel after sharing personal information about my twin-flame addiction / […]

“No Caramels This Year”

(Inspired by the December theme song “Baby Its Cold Outside,” written 12/04/2017.) If you forced me to rank what lured me into loving Christmas, the top three would tie, but here goes: In Third Place? The happy smiles, better moods, and all around good cheer. A close Second Place […]

“Twisted Fun”

(Inspired by the October theme song “Monster Mash,” written 9/29/2017.) A kindly neighbor has taken pity on me. He whistles before he approaches me in my garden. It’s safer that way. I’m less likely to psycho stab him with my pruning shears, or any other sharp gardening implement […]