
JaquimJaqui Mulvenna is a writer, currently marketing her first novel, “Pretending to be Me.” Having once dreamed of an acting career, Jaqui played a successful salesperson for twenty years in order to pay her bills and have health insurance. Still, the thrall of character’s emotions and delicious dialog lured her into the creative outlet of writing.

Not shy about issues covering sex, self-medicating, or body image, Jaqui writes with a raw, emotional edge about women striving to own their individuality and agency while overcoming patriarchal power plays. She artfully positions self-worth against shame and addiction and navigates the complicated paths between sexual harassment and mutual attraction.

The author resides outside of Chicago near her large family. When she’s not writing or traveling to new locales, she can be found in her garden, singing like a fool to loud music in her living room, car, or bar, or telling a story on stage at her favorite venue.

Contact Jaqui here.